Post by Mr. Glow on Jun 10, 2016 17:36:44 GMT 1
I hope Jon puts on his old uniform and convinces the Night's Watch to join in during the Battle of the Bastards. Just so we can have a scene where Ramsay recieves a raven that just says, "Always bet on black!"
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Post by Deleted on Jun 22, 2016 2:59:09 GMT 1
So... Battle of the Bastards... another fantastic Episode 9! Sansa just exudes an aura of "Queen in the North", doesn't she?
And Ramsay got his comeuppance... and Jon Snow is awesome as usual...
And is it strange that I am now 'shipping a Daenerys/Yara(Asha) pairing? Damn, but they'd make an awesome Power Couple, wouldn't they? I couldn't stand Yara(Asha) in Season 2 when she was introduced, but... she's really growing on me. And she's becoming more and more likeable as the show goes on.
What a detailed and vicious battle scene, the Battle of Winterfell, it must have been a real nightmare to shoot, and they must have spent a goodly portion of the season's budget on this battle...
I can't wait to see how things progress in the Finale next week...
Post by Clint Johnston on Jun 22, 2016 3:35:11 GMT 1
It was good, but I was annoyed by Jon's tactical errors (and Rickon's too, for that matter). I was sincerely hoping the Umber betrayal was a ploy, and that Shaggydog would show up in the rear of the Bolton lines and mess shit up. It being what it was, it was enjoyable, and Ramsay's end just desserts. The Daenerys / Yara thing is stupid. The actresses have chemistry, but it seems totally out of left field. Martin barely hinted at Renly's sexual identity, and while he's also hinted that the Khaleesi had maidservants, I very much doubt the story will burst out with "AND NOW I'M GAY" the way people are thinking.
Post by jklinders on Jun 22, 2016 10:01:41 GMT 1
Renly was not a POV character, so it was not as easy to do more than hint. Yara is not either so there could be the same thing. The Song of Ice and Fire books are all written strictly from POV so any hints at the true nature of someone's character are only going to come out as the POV character sees it.
TV is a different medium which is why you got spotlight shown on such interesting characters as Tywin who was a lot less nuanced in the books and closer to complete monster territory.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 22, 2016 10:21:17 GMT 1
Renly was not a POV character, so it was not as easy to do more than hint. Yara is not either so there could be the same thing. The Song of Ice and Fire books are all written strictly from POV so any hints at the true nature of someone's character are only going to come out as the POV character sees it. TV is a different medium which is why you got spotlight shown on such interesting characters as Tywin who was a lot less nuanced in the books and closer to complete monster territory. Yara was Asha in the books and she did have POV chapters, but neither Renly nor Loras did. It would be harder to do more than hint for Renly and Loras but Daenerys has been intimate with girls a couple times in the book, and Asha / Yara strikes me as being ready for "anything that moves" in her POV chapters. Just because she hasn't been with a woman in the books yet doesn't mean she never will, I mean,the show is now past the books so who knows? I didn't say that I thought the show canon would actually make Daenerys and Yara a couple, either, I just meant that I could imagine it. Similar to Arya and Gendry in Season 2 / 3. Which was also playful banter without ending in a relationship. I also got the impression that Yara was just being a smartass, as Yara is known to be, and Daenerys was more amused than aroused by it. I think she liked Yara's attitude but is not turned on by her.
Post by Mr. Glow on Jun 23, 2016 0:54:17 GMT 1
I did a Maury Povich "You are NOT the father"-style dance when Sansa took Ramsay's Face/Off.
Post by Clint Johnston on Jun 27, 2016 20:46:24 GMT 1
So... lessee:
Grandmaester Pycelle: Dead High Sparrow: Dead Mace Tyrell: Dead Loras Used-To-Be-A-Tyrell: Dead Margery Baratheon Nee Tyrell: Dead Lancel Lanister: Dead Kevan Lanister: Dead Tommen Baratheon: Dead Black Walder Frey: Dead Lothar Frey: Dead Walder Frey: Dead
This week must have required a conference call with all the retirees from the show!
Post by Mr. Glow on Jun 28, 2016 16:29:43 GMT 1
Who knew Tommen had the constitution to commit suicide?
Post by Clint Johnston on Jun 28, 2016 20:50:46 GMT 1
To be fair, if any of us had been married to Natalie Dormer and somebody killed her, we might take a short hop off a tall parapet, too.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 28, 2016 23:21:51 GMT 1
To be fair, if any of us had been married to Natalie Dormer and somebody killed her, we might take a short hop off a tall parapet, too. Oh, lord, her death got to me harder than almost any other aside from Hodor and Shireen... I love love love Margaery Tyrell, and Natalie Dormer has for a long time been one of my top favorite actresses... and the fact that she knew something was going wrong and she tried to save the people in the Sept, and the High Sparrow in all his infuriating arrogance refused to let the people out... honestly, as appalling as the High Sparrow and his Faith Militant were, none of them really deserved that. And on a more heartbreaking level, Cersei was inconsolable after Joffrey's death, and she was heartbroken but quieter about it after Myrcella died, but... when Tommen died she barely noticed. Just... "Burn him and spread his ashes over the destroyed Sept" - and then "Oh, look, I am the ONLY QUEEN NOW!!" - it's almost like she thinks "I got what I always wanted - Tommen who??" And the fact that - unless I am missing someone - Tommen's death was the only suicide in all the 6 seasons of the show. The only one. There's been casualties of war, many a murder (with ever-increasing brutality), a few mercy-killings, accidents, but... no suicides I can recall until poor Tommen. And the fact that he didn't scream, rage, cry, or in any way lash out - just stood quietly, watched the Sept burn, then silently and calmly lay down his crown offscreen, then calmly and without hesitation just... walk out the window. Broke my heart. And the absolutely incredible piano-score throughout the entire King's Landing scene, I was blown away by the music - I really really wish I still had the old piano I used to have when I was younger and lived with my parents... too bad I can neither afford a piano, nor fit one into our apartment... I would love to be able to learn that piece of music...
Post by Mr. Glow on May 7, 2019 3:12:25 GMT 1
Stinky episode!
Benioff and Weiss probably love their mothers in law.
Post by Clint Johnston on May 13, 2019 13:38:59 GMT 1
This episode was nonsense. So many character decisions that made no sense...
Post by Mr. Glow on May 13, 2019 14:01:36 GMT 1
Hey, Ian McShane tried to warn everyone.
Post by Clint Johnston on May 14, 2019 13:32:47 GMT 1
Ian McShane was a jerk who wrote off the series even while briefly being part of it.
Post by Mr. Glow on May 14, 2019 17:55:12 GMT 1
I see it more as lighting up one of the most deserving fanbases around while classing up the joint but you say Chicago, I say Chicago.