Post by Warhammer Gorvar on Feb 6, 2015 12:01:13 GMT 1
Post by Clint Johnston on Feb 7, 2015 0:45:57 GMT 1
I just realized none of us posted this in here.
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Post by Deleted on Feb 7, 2015 4:16:47 GMT 1
So excited! Ooh, I can't wait to see the Dornish faction! I love Arianne Martell and the Sand Snakes in the books, though I get the impression from cast lists and descriptions in articles that the younger Sand Snakes were written out - one article described Obara as the eldest, Nymeria as the middle and Tyene as the youngest Sand Snake - but what of the other five? Especially Sarella, who might be Alleras the Sphinx in Oldtown ? Oh, and I'm rather excited as well to see the progression of Sansa - now that her character has digressed so far from the book version... what is she up to, I wonder?
Post by Clint Johnston on Apr 13, 2015 21:52:12 GMT 1
So what did you all think of the premiere episode? I definitely was confused with the original unsullied guy. I thought Grey Worm bulked up or something.
We're totally into Dance With Dragons now, save the Cersei / Dorne plotline. Sansa's story seems to be diverting some, dropping off the rapidly growing Robin with Royce was a nice move. (As was having Brienne be moping while Sansa passed by in a carriage.)
Just as with the books, I'm getting more and more annoyed by Daenerys' refusal to cooperate with the slightest bargaining. She really does bring the attacks on herself. Stannis was never anything but the reserved hard-ass, Daenerys has become that way.
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Post by Deleted on May 22, 2015 20:06:21 GMT 1
This is pretty funny...
Though I do have to wonder what a real "Game of Thrones: The Musical" would be like... this was a funny tease...
Post by Clint Johnston on May 23, 2015 6:18:53 GMT 1
I really hope they made actual versions of these songs!
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Post by Deleted on May 23, 2015 10:04:35 GMT 1
I really hope they made actual versions of these songs! I've been trying to find if they exist - still trying... I found myself wondering what a real Game of Thrones Musical would be like, and if the Ramsay Snow/Bolton storyline would be (musically) similar to Sweeney Todd? I really liked Tyrion's song in this, but another song based on Tyrion that is fairly awesome is "The Halfman's Song" by Miracle of Sound: This would be a good song for a Musical...
Post by Clint Johnston on May 23, 2015 14:17:11 GMT 1
I love that one!
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Post by Deleted on May 23, 2015 14:29:52 GMT 1
Miracle of Sound / Gavin Dunne is fantastic - I love all his music, he mostly does tributes to video games and movies and TV shows and the like, but he's got quite a bit of original work as well - and he's amazing. When I first saw that he put out a Game of Thrones song as a tribute to Tyrion, I was all over that... it's now one of my favorite songs by him.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 2, 2015 2:09:02 GMT 1
Hoo boy - "Hardhome" was by FAR the best Game of Thrones episode in a long time! Really, I loved seeing Cersei in a dungeon cell, and it was rather gratifying to see her finally getting what's coming to her - I wonder when - or even if - she'll realize that all her arrogance is not going to help her now? And will her punishment be as it was in the book, or... different in some way, given all the other changes the show has made? And it's nice to see Arya wearing something other than the grungy leathers she's been in for the last four seasons - and doing something other than sweeping the floor in the House of Black and White. And Holy Shit, Daenerys and Tyrion! Conversing! Relatively civilly, too! Oh, this is something I'd been hoping for ever since I read "A Dance With Dragons" and saw Tyrion heading for Meereen! I can only imagine how powerful Daenerys could become with a brilliant man like Tyrion working with her... this is getting good... But by far the most impressive scene was the Battle of Hardhome... seeing all the Wildlings all in one place, and when Jon says "We're leaving too many behind" after he and Tormund confirm that they have roughly 5000 going with them - that shows just how many Wildlings there are, and the White Walker Invasion was, simply put, terrifying! Knowing how grim Game of Thrones is in general, and how "Anyone Can Die", I just knew that pretty young Wildling mother was doomed - and to see her rise as a Walker in the end, and the " Come at me, Crow!" gestures of the Night's King as he raised all the dead to undeath, to join the army of White Walkers... *shivers* That was creepy as shit! All in all, this is shaping up to be one of the best seasons of Game of Thrones, and I wonder how the endgame is going to play out here?
Post by Warhammer Gorvar on Jun 2, 2015 14:53:50 GMT 1
I admit this was one of the best episodes for all the reaosns you said. I'm suprised it came at episode 8 of this season and not next week since in previous seasons it was always the penultimate episode that has the biggest actions/shocking twist.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 2, 2015 23:27:19 GMT 1
I admit this was one of the best episodes for all the reaosns you said. I'm suprised it came at episode 8 of this season and not next week since in previous seasons it was always the penultimate episode that has the biggest actions/shocking twist. Maybe the Battle of Hardhome / the reveal of the White Walkers / Night's King was not actually the Big Shocking Twist for Season 5? Maybe there's a Bigger More Shocking Twist in the works? We shall see...
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Post by Deleted on Jun 9, 2015 2:14:26 GMT 1
Maybe there's a Bigger More Shocking Twist in the works? We shall see... I had to say it. I just had to effin' say it. Dammit, Stannis, how could you? I did not see this one coming. And I'm usually pretty cynical about character-safety in a show like Game of Thrones - especially when such copious use of the Trope " A Death In The Limelight" is used. Dammit, I should have seen it, given how Season 5 has been focusing on Shireen, and her relationship with Davos, and how sweet she is... Hiss. --- But, on a more uplifting note - DROGON! Dany flying on Drogon! I cannot WAIT to see how this plays out - if it'll be like the book, where she suffers in the desert before being found by Khal Jhaqo? Or will TV!Daenerys actually succeed where Book!Daenerys is failing so far? --- And completely unrelated - is it weird that I find Tyene and Nymeria of the Sand Snakes frikkin' adorable?? Badass Adorable, indeed!
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Post by Deleted on Jun 10, 2015 2:25:41 GMT 1
Sorry for the double post - but - has anyone else noticed that Stannis is becoming more and more like King Agamemnon in the events leading up to the Trojan War?
In the Greek story about the Trojan War, Agamemnon's army is stranded in Aulis (a port in Boeotia) due to unfavorable weather preventing them from sailing - and his priest tells him that he would need to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to appease the goddess Artemis - so he does, and he gets the favorable weather needed to sail to Troy.
Now, as Greek myths go, there are various different versions of the story - all the versions I read start with Agamemnon agreeing to kill his daughter, but some versions actually have the goddess take pity on the child and whisk her away to safety, accepting a deer in her place - but a lot of the stories I read actually go through with the sacrifice of Princess Iphigenia.
I remember saying to Linders a few days before Episode 9 of Game of Thrones aired that I was getting concerned about the safety of Shireen, and mentioning that Stannis was starting to make me think of Agamemnon, and it looks like I was right. Though to be honest, I thought I was being too cynical and even Game Of Thrones (the epitome of "Anyone Can Die") would not kill poor Shireen.
But I wonder if Stannis will actually get what he wants now that he's done the unthinkable?
Post by jklinders on Jun 10, 2015 2:45:55 GMT 1
I seem to recall that some pretty shitty things happened to Agamemnon after troy was sacked. That's the way a lot of those old Greek tales went though. His hubris was his ambition after all. That would definitely be in keeping with the grimdark theme of this show.